Ready for a change?


I’ve recently completed training as a coach thanks to a brilliant course run by Relational Dynamics 1st. As well as coaching, it covered leadership and communication skills. I can’t help thinking that workplaces could be so much more pleasant and positive if everyone had to do this training!

What is coaching? In this case, it’s nothing to do with sport! A coach supports the coachee through the process of working out what they really want and how to get there. This includes identifying and clarifying goals, developing plans and achieving them: in short, it is a process focused on solutions. It’s different from mentoring in that a coach does not provide advice, guide decisions, or make judgements. Through listening attentively and skilfully asking questions, the coach provides a productive and supportive space for the coachee to take stock, explore options and pursue their thinking. You are your own best resource and have all the answers to your problems within.

This process can be very powerful for personal development, problem-solving, overcoming feeling stuck with your thinking, becoming more self-assured or developing a direction.

I’m excited about how the skills I’ve gained will be useful in my job. But I’m also excited about the possibilities this opens up for working with artists and arts professionals in one-to-one coaching sessions.

That’s where I need your help. Although I’m about to become an accredited coach, I then need to build up around 50 hours of experience before I start charging for my time, so I need some coachees! I’d like to focus this on artists and those working in the arts, so if you’re interested in some free sessions then get in touch. All I’ll be asking for in exchange is your feedback and a small charity donation (whatever you can manage).

Coaching can take place in person, over Skype or by phone, and all conversations are confidential.

Just drop me a line and we can have a chat to see if coaching is right for you.

One response to “Ready for a change?

  1. Hi there,

    I’m interested in this, I work in live music/ cultural events.

    Let me know what to do next.



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